Daniel Liang
Daniel joined Bridges Insurance in 2015, bringing with him 16 years’ experience. With a Master’s Degree of Commerce from the University of Auckland, his sound background in maths, statistics, economics and finance will ensure your risk management portfolio is tailored to your situation.
Fluent in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English, Daniel can help you with commercial insurance including Business Assets, Profits, Liability and Commercial Motor cover as well as your domestic House, Car and Contents needs.
Outside of the office, Daniel enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.
于 1999年,在获得奥克兰大学商学硕士后不久Daniel Liang就开始了在新西兰的保险生涯,于2015年, 加入 Bridges 保险团队。 Daniel 不仅可以帮助您安排私人房屋,财产和汽车保险,还可以帮助您安排各种商业财产险,商业利润险,责任险和商业车辆保险。Daniel还可以帮助您安排各种人寿和医疗保险。 Daniel 拥有流利的国语和英文,他能够帮助您保险的整个过程,从为您争取最好的保单到帮助您理赔的整个过程。以其坚实的数学,统计,经济金融教育背景,他将为您的风险管理增加价值。要联系 Daniel ,请打我们公司电话 07 839 7880 或者打他的手机 021918738 。您也可以通过以下 email 联系到他 daniel@bridges.co.nz 或者他的微信dl107046。

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