July 9, 2024
Bridges Blog: Quick Insurance Check-Up: Are you fully covered?

Life is unpredictable and so are the risks that come with it. Whether it’s a new gadget, a new car, or a change in your business, it’s essential to keep your insurance up to date. Here’s a quick guide to ensure you’re fully covered.
House and Contents Insurance
- New Purchases: Have you bought new electronics, furniture, bikes or jewellery? Update your Contents policy to make sure these are fully covered.
- Renovations: Are you about to embark on some renovations or extend the deck? Let us know before works start!
- Security Measures: Installed a new security system? Don’t forget to let your broker know!
- Change of Occupancy: If you’ve moved out and put Tenants into your house – please let us know! Change to the occupancy & use of a property must be declared!
Vehicle Insurance
- New Drivers: Added a new driver to your policy? Ensure they are properly covered.
- Mileage Adjustments: If you’re driving more or less than before, adjust your mileage to reflect this and potentially save on premiums.
Business Insurance
- Expansion: If your business has grown or you’ve added new equipment, update your coverage to protect these assets.
- Cybersecurity: Increased online operations mean higher risks. Consider adding cyber insurance to protect against data breaches.
Being proactive with your insurance cansave you from unexpected financial burdens. If you have any questions, or wantto review your policies to ensure you are adequately covered, give us a call.